Build Your Credit to Empower Your Future
Credit Repair
We’ve partnered with My Credit Concierge to give growing businesses the advantage when it’s time to approach the lending industry. With a skilled process customized to your circumstances and business objectives, there is no better credit building program available.
We talk with a lot of business owners. One of the stories we hear again and again goes like this:
“Right out of school I knew I was an entrepreneur. I started a business printing t-shirts and it was going great until I had to make my whole living from it.
“I actually went through two or three business ideas while I cut my teeth. Now I’ve got the experience, knowledge and an offer that’s actually in demand, but my credit is shot! I don’t even want to look at another loan offer because I know the terms they’ll offer are going to be rotten.”
Like these business owners, you’ve taken the risk to try things out, and you’ve learned from those experiences, so why should you be punished for taking those lessons?.
With Credit Builder Concierge you receive a customized approach to credit repair. You gain access to the tools to track your credit, and the support to dispute incorrect or out of date information. With our plan you’ll see month by month and year by year improvements, and you’ll gain opportunities to proactively build positive accounts that result in a consistent positive credit history.
Not sure if it’s right for you?
Contact your loan broker at the number below and we’ll help you by asking a few questions. Alternately, give us a snapshot of your current situation with our quick response form and we’ll reach out to provide insight into your options.
(833) 256-LEND
Contact Us Today
Reach out with any questions you have regarding credit repair for business funding. Our goal is to help you reach your financial goals, no matter your industry.